Congress for True Psychotherapy, Psycholytic Therapy and Alternative Psychiatry
Spirituality in Psychotherapy
Third International Congress for True Psychotherapy, Psycholytic Therapy and Alternative Psychiatry
for therapists, patients, experts, and everyone interested or involved
2nd – 4th June 2017
Therapeutic-Tantric-Spiritual University
Lüsslingen-Nennigkofen, Switzerland
Spirituality and Psychotherapy
When spirituality is excluded from psychotherapy, it will not really bring about healing.
True Psychotherapy
True psychotherapy begins with a process of exploration and resolution, in other words with the integration of personal history, so creating a healthy base for the person and his life. It leads then quite naturally into spirituality, into the awakening for oneness and for the magic of life. This creates heaven, it makes possible the true attainment of being in a state of being.
Spirituality begins in the pelvis.
Spiritual practice is no new method, but rather it comprises the overcoming of all methods.
Spiritually orientated people rely on insight, not belief.
If there is something that can still rescue and reunite us human beings, it will be a spiritual science or a secular spirituality.
The spiritual attitude strives not only after insight, but also ethical action based on this insight.
Even those who are spiritual, will die in the end. (spirituality does not protect against the death!)
The congress is organised by
AVANTI International Association for Physicians for Alternative Psychiatry and True Psychotherapy
in association with
WWMM World Wide Magic Movement