Congress for Alternative Psychiatry, True Psychotherapy and Psycholytic Therapy

Healing and Inspiration

First International Congress for Alternative Psychiatry, True Psychotherapy and Psycholytic Therapy

for therapists, patients, experts, and everyone interested or involved

7th – 9th June 2013

Therapeutic-Tantric-Spiritual University
Lüsslingen-Nennigkofen, Switzerland

Love is the highest form of medicine.
The best medicine for man is man himself.
The most fundamental principle of medicine is love.
Paracelsus (1493–1541)

Alternative psychiatry signifies a humane psychiatry that is respectful of the dignity, freedom and uniqueness of the individual. Instead of being governed by anxiety and conservative thinking, alternative psychiatry is governed by the insight that responsibility for one’s own life ultimately always remains with the individual themselves and that the only thing that can support someone in this responsibility is love and an environment formed from love.

True psychotherapy, in contrast to the usual conformist psychotherapy, has the goal of liberation from human conditioning and the accompanying liberation for love. Its goal is not about conforming to societal norms. True psychotherapy supports a conscious engagement with taboo themes and strives for an awareness of truth and reality.

Psycholytic therapy represents the employment of consciousness expanding substances within therapy. Even though many of the most eligible substances are illegal and the presently legal agents are to a large extent less suitable, the psycholytic methods are among the most effective techniques when correctly used, because they facilitate direct perception of reality.

The experts attend as participants, the patient is the expert – This means that each individual, either expert or participant, speaks from of his own personal experience. All therapeutic or philosophical concepts are ultimately derived from the personal experience of their originator. This interests us! The true, inner, alive and lived reality that makes each of us a natural authority in his own area. We want to pose deep searching questions and enter into authentic dialog with each other, conduct a scientific debate in which it is not the insistence on one’s own opinion but the common interest in truth that stands in the foreground.

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