Congress 2013 - Workshops


Holotropic Breathing

with Volker Warmbt

Holotropic breathing is a method developed by Christina and Stanislav Grof and comprises a self-contained treatment in the domain of transpersonal psychotherapy.
This workshop invites participants into the experience space of a holotropic breathing session and in participating, to experience an inner journey of self-exploration resembling the multifacteted transpersonal experience.
Number of participants: Open
Conditions for participation: None


with Manfred Dreier

The component structures of our body, the muscles, sinews, ligaments, joints, down to the cells, all act as stores of physical and mental experience. How much our life energy flows or stagnates depends on the extent to which we are conscious or unconscious of these experiences. The physical touch used in bodywork enables these stored experiences, events and life energy to become accessible once again. Repressed feelings and forgotten experiences can return and be integrated. A piece of physical integrity won back. Bodywork is groundwork for the path of self-knowledge and spiritual growth. The initial step is to establish the capacity to feel. It is with the body that one feels. The body is the instrument of perception.


with Karsten Prause

The path of the warrior is a millennium old practice of self-development, self-actualisation and life praxis that was present in nearly all cultures and as such is closely bound with humanity. Only an individual can set out on this path, because only the individual can consciously experience and shape the immutable path of his life with its beginning, progression and end.
Using the example of Aikido – a martial art distinctly committed to the peaceable and kind nature of humanity without underestimating the destructive potential of mankind – the workshop will provide an encounter and experience of the mindful path using practical Aikido movement exercises.
Number of participants: Open
Conditions for participation: Comfortable clothing, average level of physical fitness, suitable for ages over 14yrs, no prior experience necessary.

The Tantric Ritual

Following on from the Tantra lecture, a simple exercise will be used to create an experience approximating that of a tantra ritual. Through this first impression of this form of encounter, its capability will be demonstrated as a psychotherapeutic means for relationship clearing and reconciliation and as path towards healing and merging into one.
Number of participants: at least 10 participants
Conditions for participation: None

Come Together In and With Silence

with Helena Gemmel

A guided meditation
Number of participants: Open
Conditions for participation: None

Music in Psycholytic Therapy

The psycholytic process is essentially inspired through musical impulses. A well chosen use of music forms a central dimension of what takes place within the session. The music can become the gateway for the participant into a deep inner experience.
This workshop approaches the theme in the form of a poetic musical journey of inspiration.
Number of participants: Open
Conditions for participation: None

Spaces in Dance

with Celina Burger and Kristina Schoch

Dance helps us to break through everyday movement and to experience bodily freedom and lightness once again. We learn to follow more and more the flow of energy and to surrender ourselves to the flow of the dance.
Number of participants: maximum 20
Conditions for participation: Please bring comfortable clothing

Tantric Music

with Andreas Gerhardus and Christoph Hofer

Tantric music is aimed at all who would like to learn to express themselves with voice or with an instrument. In free improvisation, one is concerned with finding more ‘to-oneself’ and ultimately more ‘to-gether’. The goal is to sharpen the awareness for passionate improvisation and enable the greatest possible nearness to exist.
Free improvisation – individual and in ensemble – helps us to communicate nonverbally with each other and so enables a form of ‘relationship carpet’ to come into being (tantra = woven).
Number of participants: Open
Conditions for participation: Joy and pleasure of free improvisation and expression – with or without instrument

Living and Loving as a Threesome – The Path to a Free Love Relationship

with Karsten Eckart, Lutz Schneider and Mario Zieroth

It began in 2001 with a “normal relationship” between two men. The path to self-knowledge led the two lovers to Samuel and Danièle’s seminars and from 2002-2005 to the training group “Mind Healing and Community-Building Rituals”. What was initially a symbiotic relationship between two people developed into a love relationship between two single lovers. But as the self-knowledge process continued and the inescapable confrontation with the incest taboo came about, the inner opening for the triangle was not long in coming.
The search for a third was frustrating, however, because all the people the two met actually wanted a relationship between two people. It became clear that a relationship between three people cannot be brought about by willpower alone. Karsten, Lutz and Mario will personally report on how the initially hopeless venture came to life and how a love relationship between three people came about and has now developed for over 7 years. Afterwards there will be time for questions and discussion.
Number of participants: at least 7 participants
Participation requirements: none

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