Congress of True Psychotherapy, Psycholytic Therapy and Alternative Psychiatry

Expansion of Consciousness, Shamanism and Healing

Sixth International Congress of True Psychotherapy, Psycholytic Therapy and Alternative Psychiatry

for therapists, patients, experts, and everyone interested or involved

June 23rd – 25th 2023

Therapeutic-Tantric-Spiritual University
Lüsslingen-Nennigkofen, Switzerland

Psychoactive Substances in Psychotherapy

Working with psychoactive substances is a powerful therapeutic tool.

Moreover, it is an instrument for deconditioning the mind, and it serves as a ritual for community building, selfawareness and selfknowledge, expansion and exploration of the conciousness and reality, and also the search for deep mystical experiences.

Out of a deeper understanding of oneself and the word comes healing.

Translation into English
For our English speaking guests there will be a simultaneous translation of most of the lectures into English.

Congress film

Legal note to the video material: The individual video clips are only allowed to be shown in full lengths.

More videos of the congress: Videos Congress 2023

A notice in PDF format is available here: Flyer Congress 2023

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