Theme Inspiration

Artistic Expression

Musical Inspiration

Artists: Master Musicians

The congress will be accompanied and structured through musical inspirations that reference the key points and individual themes of the presentations. These inspirations will culminate in the concert evening 'Viva la Vida'.

Invitation to the Unknown - Performance

Artist: Ulrich Siedenburg

Invitation to the Unknown - Tonal and Nagual.
One table of dimension 1x2 meters, high enough on which to display . . .

Light Symphony

a Light.Circle.Ritual
Artists: Matthias Diesch, Ulrike Epping, Barbara Fabrowicz, Ulrich Grobusch, Matthias Hofmann, Wolfgang Rang

The congress participants and their friends form a circle and bind themselves through beams of light. Seen from a bird's-eye perspective, the image of a multi-facetted diamond comes into being.
Materials: Black light, cotton, bamboo, pebble stones, and alpine horns.
Number of participants: unlimited
Conditions for participation: none


The New Economics

The Structural Violence of the Prevailing Monetary System

Speaker: Bernd Senf

The global financial crisis is the expression and consequence of deeper underlying causes that are anchored in the prevailing monetary system: Compound interest, money creation and speculation.
These related problems have been collectively suppressed for too long – even by mainstream economists. To overcome the debt crisis and its catastrophic consequences requires a fundamentally new re-orientation in thinking.

The Path of the Warrior

Speaker: Doris Meier

Most people believe that jealousy, envy and greed are unalterable parts of the human being in the same way as sexuality.
The presenter will discuss how these difficult feelings have a great power over individuals and are understood to be part of human nature. She will oppose this view of mankind with that of the Path of the Warrior, an approach that amongst other things and thanks to psycholytics has taught her to look at and step through her deepest feelings. Thus she gathers energy.

Mindful Process Management

Speaker: R.S.

Ever more people spend the best years of their lives in a job which they do not enjoy in order to buy ever more things, which they do not need, in order to lead a lifestyle, which they do not enjoy.
How are organisational process management, work-life-balance und self-knowledge connected?
The presentation is based on the experience and understanding gained by Dr R.S. over a period of 20 years in consultancy, coaching and training in the area of process management. He will present his vision of what Mindful Process Management means and what it requires.

Common Welfare Economy

Speaker: Ulrike Epping

Building on the vision of Christian Felber, the project “Common Welfare Economy – An Economic Model for the Future” will be presented as an intellectual and practical approach. A participative and developmentally open process in which competition and profit motive are replaced by cooperation and common welfare, in which profit and loss are measured in a Common Welfare Balance Sheet, and financial surpluses are employed for investments with social and ecological added value.


Psycholytic Therapy

Psycholytic Therapy and Meditation

Speaker: Vanja Palmers

Where are they now, the flower children and their ideals of yesterday? In which direction point the signs of the times?
The presenter will elaborate the history of psychedelics with the help of his own life story.

Psycholytic Therapy and Religion

Speaker: Volker Warmbt

The presenter has personally engaged on a path of psycholytics and shortly after commencing was confronted by the spiritual and transpersonal aspects of this work. Psycholytics is indeed a part of transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy. As expressed by the presenter: 'These transpersonal experiences have brought me a depth and breadth of experience that I never knew beforehand, even though I was already socialised into the Christian tradition and had studied theology.'
In his lecture, the presenter will reflect upon his own transpersonal experiences in psycholytics and attempt a structuring of these experiences within a religious and intellectual context. Religious is not taken to mean belonging to a specific established religion, but simply 'religious' in the sense of a connection to the whole. In contradiction to the critique of the representatives of the Evangelical Central Office for Ideological Questions, the presenter sees agreement with the outcomes of scientific research in the areas of natural science and consciousness research and an accordance with the more modern developments in Christian theology and mysticism.

Mystical Experiences in Psychotherapy

Speaker: Matthias Diesch

Psychedelica have the quality under certain conditions to provoke mystical experiences. This characteristic makes them an especially valuable instrument on the individual's path of healing.
In the presentation, the following questions will be explored:
What does mysticism actually mean and what is a mystical experience?
Are mystical experiences of value in one's own healing process?
How can healing processes in psychotherapy – with the aid of psycholytic substances – be optimised?